By using technology today business can save money so to perform different number of tasks.When it comes to technology it can scale out a small business and high quality can be consistently delivered by less human resources and less cost is equated oftenly.To speed up their services and cut down their costs the use of technology is mandatory in business.


As we know that how important IT is in business there are some issues also,the issues are expese,personal touch,error and production cessation,impression and ethics.. Some employees may completely rely on the technology to complete and finish their tasks and services,this may lead to the employees not catching the errors and if the company is fully reliable on the technology if there is a breakdown in the software the production will be at a halt which may produce a major loss to the company.


Today IT had made a drastic change in the education world,it has become much more easier for the students to learn with the help of the invention of technological gadgets and mobile applications.In the present days a student can access to the full library and educational materials with the help of mobiles and many other websites,now a days the students need not go to the lectures because the lectures are available online and the technology have replaced the teachers also as the e-classrooms are available.The list is endless but the use of technology have made learning and education simple.


Recruitment of teachers in the teacher education programs,procuring and identifying the adequate funding resource for technology in education,enhancement of industry and business with technology in education,integration of technology education with the other school subjects.As the modern technology has made teaching easy and have replaced teachers but there are some things which can be understood easily if the teachers are physically present,the students can ask their doubts and make it clear immediately,individual attention cannot be given to the students if the teacher is not present,who knows that the student is paying attention in the class when the video lectures are going,students may take studies lineantly and may affect the future of the students these are some of the major issues of technology in education.


There has been a drastic development in the field of agriculture as technology is playing a major role.By the use of agriculrural biotechnology it is possible that we can grow crops in the dessert areas,with the help of the technology the plants have been engineered to be survived in the drought conditions,there are many other uses of IT in the field of agriculture such as use of machines on farm,modern transportation,cooling facilities,genetically produced plants,development of animal fees and irrigation of plants.


There are many issues faced in the field of agriculture due to the technological impact,most of the issues is due to the effect of the technology on the environment.With the usage of heavy machinery in the agricultural land their will be a loss of land quality through soil compaction and also their will be loss of soil structure.There is a destruction of ogranisms and micro-organisms which is caused due to the excessive use of the chemical products in to the soil this also disturbs the ecosystem,excess use of the chemical pesticides can make the crops grow fast but it may be harmful for the peoples who will be consuming it these are some of the issues of technology in agriculture.